Plastic-free, one step at a time…

2 min readMar 22, 2021

Most of us make this mistake when we want to implement a healthier or better choice in our life - going all the way in.

The biggest enemy of implementing a change is trying to do it at once as a really big step. This is the reason for most of the failures in our lives.

I have a great example that many of you will probably empathize with. When I was in university I didn’t have the most nutritious diet. From time to time I tried to eat better or work out more but student life is not exactly the best lifestyle to have a structured diet. Studying in a student town makes it even easier since it offers many unhealthy and cheap takeout or ordering options. So one of those days after I ordered a huge sandwich really packed with many kinds of processed meat and melty cheese, I felt really grossed out by myself. Funnily enough, I came across “Earthlings” for the first time in my life.

You can predict what happened next, I consumed as many documentaries as I could binge watch that day and decided to go VEGAN. I didn’t try to eat less meat- not even going vegetarian and decided to go all vegan over a night. Guess what? It lasted a week. After one week of being vegan and completely out of energy thinking of all the eggs and cheeses I wanted to eat, I broke my vegan diet with a Lahmacun(also known as Turkish pizza), well three of them!

As you can see in this story, it is way harder to implement a change suddenly, instead of slowly preparing and building to it. It works in almost all adjustments that you want to make in your life, including going plastic-free. Most people think it is so hard to go waste-free and since it looks impossible for their daily life they just don’t do it at all. Instead what about small changes? Small changes pile up, you would be surprised how much you can impact with those tiny changes in a year!

For example, you can switch to Shampoo Bars and skip wasting around 12 plastic bottles a year. Asking your takeaway coffee in a reusable mug saves 52 cups if you even have one takeaway coffee a week :)

Check out Sabundan to switch to shampoo bars now!

And by the way, I am not vegan but I eat less meat now which contributes to my health and to the environment more than me being vegan for one week ❤




Web Developer, QA Tester, Entrepreneur based in Amsterdam